
Ghastly & Co.

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Here is where you can find information and figure listings for Ghastly & Co. - Be sure to check the Ghastly website too!

The first Ghastly & Co. miniature is: Soviet Statue of Lenin striding purposely into the new Soviet age!

Note: pedestal not included...

Just thing for that extra special NPC, or use it as an actual statue in an eastern front game. Everyone needs a little Lenin in their life, and ours will certainly be little enough!

The Lenin statue is priced at $1.25 - order GC-Lenin to get your own statue of Lenin (approximately 32mm tall)

Next up, Mortis Ambulo - The Dead walk amidst the ruins of the Roman Empire. Astound your friends and amuse your enemies with zombie Centurions and Legionaries. Please visit the Ghastly & Co. website for more background information.

Roman Zombies - Legionary Pack #1 is now ready!

This package contains 8 Historically correct undead from the Roman Empire (some assembly required).  The pack is prices at $16.00 - this gets you 8 zombies complete with Action Zombie Heads and arms - separate heads and in some cases arms, so you can create the ultimate Ancient Roman Zombie!

Our Zombies have been sculpted by master sculptor Tony Aldrich.

Order GC-RZLP01 to get yours.


The Mister Ghastly Collection:

We have two fine 28mm Mr. Ghastly figures for you enjoyment. The sculpting genius behind these figures is none other than Tony Aldrich.

First up is the original Mr. Ghastly figurine.

The original Mr. G.

Next up is Western G. Tony really got into this Mr. Ghastly character and created our second Ghastly figurine.

Western G.

Mr. Ghastly miniatures are priced at $2.00 each.
To get yours, order:
GC-MG01 - The original Mr. Ghastly
GC-MG02 - Western G.

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Last modified: 08/28/09