I had planned on a photo essay for today’s post, but in reviewing the photos from Saturday’s work I couldn’t find enough good photos to make it work (I really need to get a good camera setup for shop work, etc.)
So, rather than leaving you with nothing, I’ll post the best, related, photo from the project:

It has been a long while since we last cast any of the 25mm Medieval figures; as usual, I’m easily distracted by figures I’ve not cast in a while, so…
I decided to add cast some extra figures for myself while I was filling customer orders. When it comes to Medieval war games my default has always been Chainmail with 30mm figures. It has been a long time since my last game, mainly because I don’t have enough painted figures in my personal collection. So, my current idea is to do something that requires about 100 figures; with rules something along the lines of One-Hour Wargames or The Portable Wargame. I’m fairly certain that I want to do the game on a grid, so perhaps a blend of the two with a dash of Morschauser thrown in.
I’ll be going with a Red vs. Blue theme, mainly because it will make the armies pretty much generic, and will take a lot of thought out painting. These Medieval figures are fairly easy and quick to paint. The glossy, 3453 Halbardier, figure in the foreground too less than 10 minutes to paint. The coloring and paint style is copied from some of his 30mm big brothers that I have in my collection. Right now, I’m thinking these will go on the table as they are (gloss finish, no further basing of flock) as individual figures.
What does all this mean for you? Well, if you have an interest in 25mm Medieval figures; it means that we will be re-moulding the figures. I still nee to inventory, patterns and masters to know if we can do the entire range, or if we will need to drop any figures. I do know that I’ll be adding a horse. One which the riders fit a bit better than any of the standard 25mm horses. It might not be heavy enough, but it will work for starters. I’ve started re-mastering one of the older, smaller 25mm horses and I’m pretty sure we can make an alternate version that can be made to look like a heavier horse and still accommodate the mounted figures. Look for further announcements once I get the master inventoried; expect some discounts on these figures to go along with the re-moulding.