It has been a long while since my last post. Between being busy and not much to report on, well I just just didn’t make the time to write.
Well, anyhow on to today’s topic: Scruby Fantasy Miniatures. Interest in these miniature figures tends to come and go. Whenever someone new discovers then and write a blog post or Facebook post or whatever; word gets out and we get a swarm of new interest. This is the behavior we expect. With each new cycle we make a production run and carry some stock for the next 6 moths to a year. As such I don’t get to revisit these figures but once or maybe twice a year. Each time we revisit these, I dig a little deeper into the archives and see if I can find anything new.
Nothing new right now, but I am working on a new figure listing. I’ll be doing my best to make it the ultimate listing for these figures. I’m combing through all the various catalog listings (they changed from time to time) and any other sources I can find. I’m also taking one more look through the boxes (and boxes and more boxes) of master and pattern figures in an effort to find any missing figures. I’m pretty sure I have accounted most, if not all the figures. In some cases we have more than one variation and in other cases we have a figure or two that were never listed in any of the catalogs. I should have the first revised listing later this week and will follow up with a final listing after the Christmas holiday (Alison will have some color photos to include).
For today, I’m sharing some photos from Saturday’s casting session…

That is all for today. I will have more concerning the Fantasy miniatures in the coming weeks as well as some thoughts on projects for 2019.