All new Soldiers of the Belle Epoche by John Bertolini.
First up are the Germans (1880 – 1915) – A quick sample shown below.

Initial molds are complete; tuning production molds with full production ready by Christmas. Catalog pages for this batch are shaping up nicely (think of the early Scruby catalogs, but with photos and color) and should be ready (and posted) by Christmas.
The fist figures are:
- German infantry advancing
- German infantry marching
- German jaeger advancing
- German officer leading in attack
While, final prices have yet to be set, we are looking at $2.50 each for these infantry/foot figures.
More pictures and a catalog page soon.
If you just can’t wait for the official product listing, feel free to order by name at the price shown above (there are some castings in stock already)