La Belle Époque, the gilded age before 1914; when Kaisers, kings and czars still ruled. Their armies paraded in pickelhaubes, red tunics and the renowned pantalons rouges. Hussars gambled and caroused and officers drank champagne in the mess. Immaculate uniforms could be seen in all the fashionable places from the coffee houses of Vienna to the salons of Paris to the bier stubes of Zenda. It was the era of “Little Wars” and a “Gentleman’s War” and chocolate box soldiers. In the spirit of Eriksson, Wollner, Haffner, and Spenkuch-these are the soldiers of the Belle Époque.
John Bertolini’s 40mm Bleisoldaten
Special Pricing:
- Foot $2.00 each
- Cavalry (or mounted officer) $8.00 each
- Buy an Infantry unit (12 foot) and add a mounted officer for $5.00
The Germans (1880 – 1915)
B-1 German infantry advancing
B-2 German infantry marching
B-3 German jaeger advancing
B-4 German officer leading in attack
B-5 German officer standing
B-6 German artilleryman
B-7 German mounted officer
B-10 German Uhlan; suitable for use as a lancer from other nations
B-11 German Hussar
B-12 German Cuirassier
For cavalry, buyer will need to supply a wire lance (19 gauge or ~1mm)

More pictures and downloadable catalog page coming shortly…
The French (1880 – 1914)
B-31 French infantry advancing
B-32 French infantry marching
B-33 French infantry walking
B-34 French officer leading
B-35 French officer standing
B-36 French artilleryman
B-37 French mounted officer
B-38 Tirailleur Senegelais
B-39 Chasseur Alpin
More pictures and downloadable catalog page coming shortly…