1 Hour Armies

My war gaming of late has centered around smaller games, gridded and otherwise.
Games/rules such as The Portable Wargame (PW) and The One Hour Wargame (OHW) are usually my basis for a game; a mashup of these (and others) is most likely.

Figure size has been leaning towards 25mm, but really any size figures is an option.
Armies are usually on the small side; usually about 50 figures plus a couple of artillery pieces is enough for a basic army.

With, these smaller armies and smaller games in mind, I’m toying with creating several, basic “army packs”. With somewhere near 50 figures (foot and cavalry) and a couple artillery pieces, a 25mm army could be priced right around the $40 mark. With 15mm being a bit less and 30mm being a bit more.

While it will take longer than an hour to paint your army, your games should be playable in about an hour; thus the 1 Hour Armies name.

What do you think of the idea?